I had thoughts of doing Thanksgiving myself this year and having everyone to our house...but when I saw all the food my Mom made (aka: all the work she went to!) I was so glad I didn't. I've come to accept that my mother is the best cook in the world, and no matter how many times I try, some things I just can't make like Mom. She made three appetizers, two kinds of stuffing, two kinds of gravy, my favorite Cranberry jello salad, green beans, creamed corn, a turkey, a ham, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and even molded the butter into individual servings the shape of little turkeys! I brought the pies, but was so full from dinner, didn't have any that night. The next day, Matt and I were busy putting together the bunk beds we bought for the girls, and I called my parents and asked if they delivered leftovers. They brought over the apple pie and ice cream! You can't get better than that. I have the best life.
Oh. my. gosh. Look at that spread! I love your mom. She is amazing.
Like I said before... I come from a VERY small family and we will gladly spend any holiday with your mom, her food, and oh yea, you guys too.
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