At the beach this past weekend Megan was gathering seashells and putting them in a little bucket. Most of them were small, broken pieces - but she was still proud of them all. All of a sudden she ran up to me with a perfect shell. All in one piece and creamy salmon orange. She handed it to me and said "Mom, this really pretty one is for my brother. Okay?!" And then turned and ran off as quick as she came, without a second thought, to look for more shells. It brought tears to my eyes. He's not even born yet and she's saving the prettiest things she finds for him. Oh how I love this compassionate little girl and this baby inside me that is already so much a part of our family!
Here are some more pics from our day at the beach

Cool pics!
What a sweet story... and I just have to tell you again that I love Megan's new haircut. It makes her look so grown-up!
Pretty pics, makes me miss the beach :)
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