It seems like the hours DRAG but the days FLY by around here lately. Wyatt had his two week check up last Friday. TWO WEEKS? Where did the time go?
(I can tell you - it's stuck on the couch nursing!) I feel like I was just blogging about wanting him to be born, and now he's already two weeks old.

And a brutus of a two weeker is he... 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches! 90th percentile for both weight and height. So different from the girls. They were both rinky dinks - in the 10th percentile. So far, he's making his linebacker coach of a Daddy very hopeful! :) If he keeps nursing like he does however - he'll have to be an o-line man!
Love the picture of Matt watching TELEVISION over his infant son's head.
In Matt's defense - Wyatt WAS sleeping...until I started snapping pictures :)
ADORABLE! =) seriously makes my heart physically LONG for another!
I think I was watching Television! Bad Dad I guess.
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