Wyatt had his Two Month check up today. He weighs 13 lbs 1 oz and is 24 inches long. The 90th percentile for both weight and height.

His head circumference is 40 cm - which is 4 cm bigger than when he was born. He is starting to smile at us as well as "talk" and coo. He's nursing like a champ and sleeping pretty well. He goes down for naps without any work - just lay him in his crib when he is tired. I give him his last feeding about 10:30pm and then he'll usually go until about 4-4:30am before waking up again.

I've been telling everyone that HE has been the easiest part of having 3 kids. It's still doing everything else that is taking some time to get used to!

Part of Wyatt's bedtime routine is a bath every night. It's usually on the kitchen counter in his infant tub. But last week, the girls were bathing at the same time, so I decided to let him take a "Big Boy Bath!" This truly made me feel like a 3rd time mom. I don't think Megan took a bath in the real bathtub until she was like 8 months old!! And here was Wyatt, 8
weeks old, in the big bathtub playing with his sisters. Too cute not to snap some pics.
Finally you blog about the boy! It's great to see him again.
adorable! isn't it funny what we'll do as a 3rd time mom. =) i let ellie have eggs today even though she won't be 1 year old for another week. definitely thought about how i'd never done that w/ chloe! =)
What gorgeous kids!!!!
What gorgeous kids!!!!
Your kids are so f*#@ing cute!!!
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