Megan was "share girl" at her preschool last Friday. That means she gets to bring the snack, be the line leader, and ring the bell when it's time to clean up for recess. For the last 15 minutes of class, she sits up front and shares five things she has brought from home. Molly and I like to go and be a part of this special time!

Megan's teacher sends home a "share bag" with her the night before. I always let her pack it herself. I love to see what she picks out. What she thinks is special enough to show off. This time she shared her favorite book
"Are You My Mother?", her little Belle figurine, her new talking doll (whom she's named Jasmine), her autograph book from Disneyland, and a yellow Match Box car.

All the kids sit in a circle and close their eyes between each item. Then Megan says 'SHAZAM!" and they all open their eyes. It's quite amusing to watch. She tells everyone why each thing is special and who gave it to her. Then she gets to decide if the item can be passed around the circle, or if she wants to walk around with it and let each child have a look. It's a great learning experience, building self confidence, independence, and social-emotional skills.

Right now, Megan's favorite girlfriends at school are Lucy and Kate. They seem to do everything together and are always laughing and giggling.

Here is Megan's signature on the back of one of her art projects. I love it! What a big girl she is getting to be.
1 comment:
I can't believe that Megan can spell her name! What a cutie. I guess I'll have to start working on it with CJ since his name is real easy! Ha. I love the bed conversation, it is the cutest!
Wyatt is getting so big! What a stud!
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