Here we are outside Katherine's building on our way to the Party. Notice we ALL have our dolls! We walked up Lake Shore Drive to Michigan Avenue. Megan started to complain about how far we were walking until we hit the storefronts. She stopped us at Stuart Weitzman to point out a pair of gold flats she thought were especially pretty. And again at Tiffanys! Hey - at least she has good taste, right!
This was the sign that was in the middle of our table. You can also see a little pink and black box at the bottom. It was filled with fun questions to go around the table and ask. Like "Would you rather have 10 siblings or none - you can't pick in between?" We all said TEN! "Would you rather live in and under water station or a space station?" Megan said underwater. "When you go to the movies, what is your favorite candy to eat?" Megan said Skittles. "If you had a horse, what would you name it?" Megan said Kelly. It was fun game to play!
Seated at the table before lunch. They have little highchairs for all the dolls - so they can sit at the table too! It was very cute, and Megan loved every minute.

Happy Birthday to You!

Blowing out the candles. I think she was a little shy in the spot light. Her cheeks turned bright red!
They brought back the cake served up like this. SO cute! Love the peppermint ice cream in the green milk glass flower pot.
Outside after we had done a "little" shopping. Megan and Kailey now have matching outfits!
Katherine's girlfriend Melissa came to the party too. And she gave Megan some roller skates for Kailey. She immediately went home and "skated" around the apartment.
Thanks Melissa! I LOVE the skates!
As you can see - the birthday party was a smashing success. Thank You Kate and Paul for making it all happen, and so special!

LOVE the pics... AG really does it right. My mom still has mine. As much as I ADORE my two boys... these pics sure make me want to try for a little girl!!
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog while searching for other wordless Wednesdays... and lo and behold I find out you're in Costa Mesa as well! Your blog is great and your kiddos are so cute! Nice to meet another local blogger! :), Varenia
love fun. and she is SO cute! =)
that looks so fun!
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