Hair Update 11/20 Thanks for everyone who voted on my hair! Sadly I am still undecided. I do like my long hair, but 9 days out of 10 it's in a ponytail on top of my it seems a little silly to me. Plus my hair is naturally curly, but unless I "DO" it, it's just a big frizzy mess. To blow dry it straight is just such a process when it's long, that it hardly ever gets done. I think I would for sure like to have it long for Katherine's wedding, and then maybe make a more drastic change down the road. As far as color - I do like my hair better blonde, but I am tired of the time and $$ it takes to maintain!! I know Matt likes it better blonde too, so that's more motivation to keep it up.
Vote Update 11/20 - Not sure if it's sour grapes or what, but I've gotten about 50 emails and comments (most of them anonymous, which = annoying) about how my vote for Barack didn't count because I "X"ed the box and didn't completely fill it in like the directions say. I even got two just yesterday! OK PEOPLES! Does it really matter NOW? The man WON!! But just so everyone can sleep at night, I thought I would let you know that I voted electronically. My vote got counted. The picture I put on the blog was of a sample ballot that came in the mail. I used it to make my point and that was all. Hope that can be put to rest now!
Vote Update 11/20 - Not sure if it's sour grapes or what, but I've gotten about 50 emails and comments (most of them anonymous, which = annoying) about how my vote for Barack didn't count because I "X"ed the box and didn't completely fill it in like the directions say. I even got two just yesterday! OK PEOPLES! Does it really matter NOW? The man WON!! But just so everyone can sleep at night, I thought I would let you know that I voted electronically. My vote got counted. The picture I put on the blog was of a sample ballot that came in the mail. I used it to make my point and that was all. Hope that can be put to rest now!

With that in mind, I would love it if you would vote in my little poll today. Which Erin do you like best? Is it time for CHANGE?

Post your choice as a comment!
Oh yeah - there is another little poll going on today. Nationally, I mean. It would be good if you participated in that one too. I just did!

We all get ONE. So use yours. VOTE!
Today I am Thankful for Democracy. For the right to have a voice and have it heard. I woke up today excited. Feels like it's been a long time coming. I am thankful that I can vote to shape this country into one I am proud to have my children grow up in. Thank You God for the USA.
Post your choice as a comment!
Oh yeah - there is another little poll going on today. Nationally, I mean. It would be good if you participated in that one too. I just did!

We all get ONE. So use yours. VOTE!
Today I am Thankful for Democracy. For the right to have a voice and have it heard. I woke up today excited. Feels like it's been a long time coming. I am thankful that I can vote to shape this country into one I am proud to have my children grow up in. Thank You God for the USA.
Wow- do you look like your Mom with that color hair (that's a compliment!). I like it!
Wow, Erin, that's crazy! First of all how did you do that? I like the color alot. I think it would look great. I don't know if I have ever seen you in short hair, but I think it would look fabulous. I do LOVE the color. go for it!! Why not!! I have actually been growing my hair out for the past 2 years to donate to Pantene (women with cancer). It's so long for me!!
It's one of my mom's wigs! :)
I LOVE you in the bob!! How about a sexy blond jenny mccarthy bob?? You could so do that!! My favorite erin is always blonde....
I knew that was mom's wig! Anyways I love your long blond hair mostly cause I'm never a blond...but if you do go with shorter hair do it with me! I have an appt scheduled 11/15 to chop off 8inches and donate to beautiful lengths campaign so that other women can receive beautiful wigs like our mom. 8inches is the minimum donation and you must have more than that! What do you think a dual-cross national haircut? for a good cause? go to
ps I agree with jenny mccarthy blond bob - you know matt loves blond
What the heck? How did you do that?! I think a blond bob would be cute. Or long brown hair...
Change is good! (Hint: new pres; new hair. It grows...go dark but not too short. XOOX, Mom
i love it when people can pull off various colors....i cannot do that!
you look great both ways...but i think i'd vote for the jenny mccarthy bob, too! =)
and i second it: thank you God for the USA and democracy!!! =)
I like you with the brown hair! You look adorable. I need some blogging help!
Be sure your vote counts the first go-around: "completely fill in the box!"
Go hybrid...blonde bob for Mrs. Burns!
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