It has been so fun having Katherine and Paul here over the holidays. One day before Christmas, Kate and Paul gave Megan and Molly a special surprise. A card, asking them to be the Flower Girls in their wedding, and also a special Wedding "Little People" toy. It was very sweet and thoughtful, and my girls were so excited. After I read what the card asked them out loud, Megan very properly answered "Yes, we will!" It was so cute.
That afternoon, my mom, Katherine, the girls and I went shopping for Flower Girl dresses. They had so much fun trying them on and being the center of attention. It was a fun and special day with their Aunt Kate. And a day that was a little surreal for me - to see my little sister be so beautiful and mature, the bride to be. Also to see my little girls be so precious, excited and grown up! We are all looking forward to July!
That is so sweet! They are going to make beautiful flower girls!
Hi, I'm a just visitor to your blog. Your girls are so pretty and lovely. By the way, if you need flower girl dresses for the little girls, visit for browsing and shopping flower girl dresses.
Have a great holiday season with your little kids and family!
so, so sweet! they look so beautiful in those dresses!
my girls are going to be flower girls in my little brother's wedding in '09 and it is surreal...yet so fun!
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