I got the invites from Kellie, aka The Paperista. Her store on Etsy is a party planners playground. She designs your invite with matching thank you cards, favor tags, birthday banner & cupcake toppers and then emails you the .pdfs. You print everything out on your own computer. It was fast, easy, and so affordable! She also made me some iron-on transfers and personalized clue cards for our treasure hunt.
Of course, after printing out the invites, I had to pretty them up even more! I added some bling in the form of a rhinestone #6 on the ship's sail, and hot pink rhinestone port holes. Then I backed them with hot pink glitter scrapbook paper. I lined the envelopes with a black, velvet damask print and then calligraphied each girls address on the front hoping it looked like scripty, pirate map lettering. Megan slipped 2 silver pirate coins inside each envelope and then sealed them all shut. She was so happy to walk to the corner and drop them in the big mailbox all by herself!
I'm presently working on a twirl skirt for the Birthday Pirate made out of these.
It's gonna go with this cute shirt we got at our Aunt Adrie's store, CC Roo. Megan saw it months ago and has asked about it weekly until we finally went and bought it yesterday! I added the rhinestone #6.
Our treasure hunt is going to lead the girls to this
There are about a million other things in the works, but I'll finish with the party favors. Lisa of ElleBows and More and I have followed each other's blogs and tweets for awhile. I asked her if she would come up with a clip that was "pink and piratey" that Megan could give as a party favor. I gave her free license to create whatever she thought was cute (safe bet, as everything she touches is CUTE) and these are what she made!
Yo Ho, Lisa. You are this Pirate Mama's first mate and will NEVER be made to walk the plank! I know these are going to be a hit. Thank You!
Lots still to accomplish between now and Saturday. Megan requested an only girls, "drop-off" party. Definitely signs this little Pirate is growing up! Can't wait to celebrate that and everything else I love about her.
I almost just fainted at all the pink pirate cutenesss... are you for real?! Can you be my kid's party planner pretty please? See I am down with pppp! Can't wait to see all your other fun party pics! Have fun.... PS How does your Nike thing work? Is it a chip IN the shoes or outside or what?! So interested!!!
ElleBows is totally down with the PPPP!!! Ok, I'm am so excited to see these party pics!!!! Looks like everything is coming together really well. Thank you so much for your super sweet words about my shop. It was an absolute pleasure to do this for you and Megan.
xoxo, Lisa
i love the pirate fabric so much, i am resisting the urge to lick the screen....tmi?
I can't wait to see more pics!!! Where did you find the skull heads? I love how you made them so girly!
You could be a party planner! I want a Pink Pirate Princess Party too; say that four times fast; albeit I'm a tad too old!
I just got your box and am squealing! You are very creative my dear!!! LOVE it all and am going to post pics - hopefully later today!!
Thanks for being such a fabulous partner!!!
Need i even say that YOU ROCK?? Oh my goodness.....soooo cute! I can't wait to see the pictures!! I will surely be hitting you up for ideas when the boys birthdays roll around cause i just don't have the creative thinking you do! Have tons of fun saturday and give Megan big birthday hugs from me!!
Wow, Erin.....everything looks amazing! I don't know how you find the time to do all of these creative, fun things. Do you ever sleep?!
Have a fabulous birthday party Megan!!
That was supposed to say it was from "Avery's mom"!
erin...beautiful...creative...amazing...love what you have planned!
I am sure she and all her guests loved every second of it!
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