I don't care if you don't pray. If you are here, then today you do. Because Carter needs a new liver NOW. So get on it. Pray. No excuses. If a 2 year old can smile through chemo, MRIs, central lines, vomitting, rashes, needles, losing 1/3 of his total body weight, and hospital after hospital....then the least you can do is pray!
AND have you signed up here yet?

Carter - These past few days, when I have hit a bump in the road of my day, I've thought to myself, "Carter is rocking cancer, Erin....get over yourself, you can do this!" Thanks for the inspiration Little Man. So many people love you and your family! Stay Strong and give your Mommy a big hug from ME! XOXO
I have been praying for him daily. He is an inspiration to all!
okay, carter is going to be lifted up so much from this little section of indiana.
my college housemate's little 4 year old had a heart transplant this spring. she shared her journey online from when they found out about it in the winter. amazing. God is so faithful and can totally be trusted to hear our prayers. praying for carter and for the family that WILL provide him with a liver!
Praying! And have already signed up!
I have been following Carter's story and praying for him and his sweet family so much. Such a heartbreaking story and yet Carter's sweet little smile remains....praying now more than ever for him and his family. God will provide!
I put Carter on the Pentecostal prayer line here in Indiana the very day the link for his blog appeared on your website...it ain't over until the fat lady sings and this ole chick ain't gonna sing that song. What I am singing is songs of praise and thanksgiving before God's throne of Grace for Carter's healing, the family's joy & blessings. Many hugs! Standing in prayer with you!
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