And while I definitely had a specific project in mind...I pretty much tackled just about everything around here today! All the laundry is done (as in folded and put away,) the dishes are clean and put away, I washed the kitchen floor, made all the beds, showered and blew out my hair, took the trash cans out to the street, transplanted some flowers, and had an OB appt. All this while watching 5 kids 3yrs and under (two of which are my own). Oh yeah...and I'm 23 weeks preggers. Yes, Linebacker is my new nickname for today.
So anyhow - my Tackle it Tuesday project was the rocking chair in my bedroom. Its current function has more to do with rack than rock! As in clothes rack. I think the pile has been growing for over a month. Every time I do laundry, the things that need to get put on hangers make it to the rocking chair in the bedroom. With the intention of getting hung up later in the day when the kids are napping. But inevitably, when the kids crash...so does Mommy! And the pile continues to grow. If I didn't do something about it soon, it was going to take over Matt's side of the bed. You can even see in the picture, I had bought more hangers to make sure I had enough to get the job done....(but that was 2 weeks ago and still they sit!) So today was the day. Tackle it Tuesday gave me the inspiration, motivation (or let's just call it the swift kick in the ASS) that I needed to get the job done. I also put up in the attic, the box of old baby clothes that has been on the floor beside our bed for, oh...a good 6 months.
You are toooooo cute, Erin. I loved the after photo. It screamed "Feng Shui!!" Doesn't it feel great to have things clear?! Now you can take a nice long nap this afternoon!
Liz wants to know... while you were at it, why didn't you tackle the nightstand?
hahahaha... just kidding..... we are thoroughly impressed!
i'm so motivated!! great job with that GIGANTIC tackle! you did a TON of stuff! =) i gotta get on this tackle it tuesday thing!
T and Liz - bitches!...I thought that the minute I posted the "After" picture and the papers were still all strewn about. Thanks. :)
T and Liz - bitches!...I thought that the minute I posted the "After" picture and the papers were still all strewn about. Thanks. :)
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