After the haircut, we went to a matinee of Shrek the Third. I should say we went to see the previews that were BEFORE Shrek the once the movie actually started, we'd been sitting in the movie theatre for almost and hour and the girls we D-O-N-E! About 5 minutes into the movie Megan turns to me and says, "I'm tired! Is it time to sleep yet?" (It was 1 o'clock, which is normally naptime, and we were in a dark theatre...) My mom and I cracked up and decided to cut our losses and get our money back. Once we got home the girls slept for THREE HOURS! Which meant
Saturday night we went to dinner with Uncle Andy and Aunt Adrie and then drove in the car all the way around the back bay with our windows open listening for "Crickets and Frogs." It's a routine A&A do with the girls when they babysit and Megan and Molly love it. We were a little early to actually hear anything but birds - since it gets dark much later now - but we did stop and watch the dredger working in the bay. I think Molly's new favorite word is MUD which she pronounces with a very hard "D" at the end. We then went back home and the girls played tickle monster with my brother until they were sick with laughter and were ready to fall into bed.
On another note: Last night I worked well into the wee hours sewing baby presents and Fourth of July skirts for the girls. Why is it that when the husband's away and the kids go to bed at a reasonable hour - I don't go to sleep myself and get some much needed rest?! It seems these are always the nights I am up until 2AM doing every which crafty thing I have been wanting to get to for the past month. I think it's because I hate sleeping alone. I've shared a room my whole life with either my sister, college roommate or husband - and after 8 years of sharing a bed...sleeping alone is just not the same. I think it's humorous we mothers strive to teach our babies good sleep habits - how to self soothe, fall asleep on their own, and sleep thru the night ALONE. I'd say the first 5 books I read as a new mother were on this very subject. Moms are constantly asking each other, "Do your kids come into your bed at night?" afraid that the other is going to respond "Oh no! Never!" like co-sleeping is the plague. But in reality, don't we all wish our little ones will someday find that special someone to snuggle with for the rest of their lives? Why is it so important to learn to love to sleep alone? I've decided self soothing isn't all it's cracked up to be!
Daddy gets home later tonight and we are looking forward to a lazy Memorial Day as a family!
what a fun girly day you had... I would love to do that with my girls...they are all about fingernail polish and anything girly! Too fun.
I am the same way about bedtime...I stay up super late to sew and stuff & hate sleeping alone! I am so afraid of the dark too. I think that is why I am not hard on my girls about sleeping in their own places. I loved sleeping with my babies! Now that they are bigger, they get put into their beds after they fall asleep cuddling and love to feel their little bodies crawling into bed at 6 am every morning. I figure...better get the cuddling now before they won't let me anymore!
sorry for the loooonnngg comment.
Ooooh, loved this post. I totally cracked up at the picture of Megan getting her hair washed in the bowl. So cute and funny!
Also cracked up from the Shrek movie paragraph. Funny that you stayed for the priviews!
And now I feel TOTALLY bad that I've learned you stayed up until 2am last night sewing and I called and woke you up during naptime today. I am SO sorry!
Lastly, it's funny what you said about sleeping alone, because it just shows me how different people can be. (Isn't that what makes the world go round?) I just got home from a week at my parent's house where one of the things I was most looking foward to was...sleeping alone! Not that I don't love my husband, but I also love falling asleep in a still bed, pulling the covers up as high as I want, and starting off the night face-down, DIAGONAL across the bed. I actually go to bed earlier when I get this opportunity because I'm so excited sleep alone!
Where are the pictures of your sewing?
the girls looks sooooo happy being girly! i can't wait until mine are old enough to enoy this stuff! and thanks for the heads up on the movie. we were just thinking, "Maybe Anna's big enough?" but your description hits too close to home, so i think we'll wait a few years!
I love the girls day- I will have to do that soon! What a fun Mom!
OH YAY!! i'm so glad you did this! we had so much fun on our girly day out!! so glad you did, too!
and i totally do the same when my matt's away....stay up all hours of the night!
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