Here it goes, my "Shoot for the Moon with hopes of landing amongst the Stars" Resolutions for 2008:
- Lose the baby weight.
UGH. Just typing the words leaves a lump of dread in the pit of my stretch marked covered belly. While I only have 4 pounds to go before I am back at my pre-Wyatt pregnancy weight.....I have 40 pounds to go before I am back at my pre-Megan pregnancy weight. But I've done it before. The year before I got pregnant with Megan, I lost 65 pounds. (I tell everyone who is either gaining or losing weight from a pregnancy to come shop in my closet - I have jeans sizes 2 - 16!) So I know it can be done. It's just having the strength, perseverance, and dedication day in and day out that I know it takes, that is a little daunting a task for this tired mama. A recent study found that women who want to lose the extra weight gained during pregnancy should get more sleep! Um, yah! Thanks. Don't think that is going to be the easiest route for me to take. I have probably tried almost every diet known to man (or should I say woman) since I was 15. And what I've discovered - at least for me - is that it's basically all about running. I can't not eat. I LOVE to eat. And I love to cook and bake and drink too! So there is no way I am going to just not eat and get skinny like so many of my girlfriends do. So for me, I will eat less and Run. Which leads me to my next Resolution.
- Run 5 days a week. I actually love running. Before I've set
out and I am thinking about having to run - I don't like it. But once I am out there on the road and feeling good, then I do love to run. And once I get home I am always so glad I went. So the alarm is set, a new jog bra has been purchased, and the treadmill has returned to the bedroom so that it is the first thing I see when I plant my two feet on the floor each morning. Hopefully I'll make it out to the Back Bay trails a few afternoons a week once Matt is home from work.
- Get Organized. I really already a
m pretty organized. But there are a few things I could do better that would help me run this family more efficiently. Like planning out all meals for the week so that I have a master grocery list and only have to hit the markets ONCE every seven days. That way I can go one night or weekend morning - without the kids - and get it done in half the time! I also want to create a Master Calendar (I think I'll check out Google - thanks Libby!) One that I can easily add, delete, print and email so that Matt and I are always on the same page as to where, when and what this family is up to! And like Libby - I want to be better at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. And not continue to be "That Girl" who gets the card in the mail, but always a few days late. (With that being said, I must shout out a hearty HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girlfriend Libby, whose 32 today! We met the first day of first grade, so that would make you my "oldest" friend! Hope your day is AB FAB! **Hugs & Kisses**)
- Blog to Book. I have been wanting to get this blog printed and bound into a book for some time. My hope is to make one hardcover book each year that will contain all the posts,
photos, and memories from that year for our family to have and look back on in the years to come. I've been working with Blurb to get this done, but it is more time consuming than I thought when I set out! Along with this goes uploading ALL our pics to Shutterfly, entering the Who, What, Where and When on the back of each one, and having them saved in disc form. The hope is to purchase one CD each year that will contain all our digital photos from that year, and keep it in a sleeve inside the cover of the blog book.
- Make more time for US. Seems like the last 5 years have been all about growing this
family. While Matt and I both love the life we've been blessed with, we miss the alone time we used to find ever so abundant. Time where we eat without someone on our lap or having to cut up someone's food. Time where we talk about something other than diapers, laundry or My Little Pony without being interrupted. Time where we get to listen to each other and forge that friendship that got us here in the first place! We aim to go out on a date with each other at least twice a month!
- Make more time for ME. When we were kids, Libby's mom had a licence plate frame that read "If Momma ain't happy, Ain't nobody happy!" and I think that I've found this phrase to be all the more true now that I have 3 kids. My day starts before dawn and ends around midnight. Only to have my "break" interrupted to nurse around 2AM. I have
accepted that I am a very hands on mother. Maybe a little too much. It's very hard for me to let anyone else do for my kids what I know I can do myself. I have never left them with anyone other than family and even that is rare. I want to be the one who sings them to sleep, gives them their bath, reads them their books, takes them to school. It's selfish, I know. Because I love being the one who gets the extra good night kisses, witnesses the mermaids and bubble monsters in our tub, hears Megan read her first book, and feel those little arms hug me when she they out of class. Wanting all these things however, leaves me in a conundrum. Because at the same time, I am left feeling I have no time for myself. What I have come to understand - but need more practice implementing - is that when I give myself a break and let someone else be with the kids, I am renewed and come home a better mother. So here's to more girl time, more me time, more time sharing these little blessings I have been given!
- Make it to the Church on time!
Ever since Wyatt has come along, I have found it much harder to get us all up, fed, pressed and dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed and smiling brightly for Church on Sunday mornings. What I estimate will take us 10 minutes, takes us 20. And even then - once we are ready to hit the car, somebody needs to pee or nurse or pump! My new plan of attack is to try our church service that is on Saturday evenings and get back into a routine. The girls love it so, and we think it is so important to give our kids this foundation.
- Continue Building a Legacy. Everything that I do is about family. Our family, my family,
Matt's family. I want to continually be making memories, building relationships, starting traditions, creating keepsakes, and teaching values that will give our children a sense of belonging, foundation and self esteem. Ones they can take with them when they form their own families. I think I have found a wonderful way to further these aspirations - and that will be something you'll have to look for in the near future!
Wow! I better get my resolutions in order! I am a slacker. I miss you and I have not updated my blog in ages! I need a little help adding things to it! Maybe in 2008 you can fit me in, somewhere! See you soon! Brooke
What an amazing post!! I just think you are an amazing mother!!!!!
For someone who doesn't really believe in resolutions, you've set yourself a tall order! Here to achievement! I figure if Laura can do 100 things in 100 days with TWIN babies, the rest of us should be able to at least accomplish 5 things in 365 days! I am curious to see how yours and Laura's blog-to-book projects turn out. And thanks for the happy birthday wishes. You know what makes it the best birthday I have ever had? Hearing my two-year old sing "Happy Birthday to you-Mommy" spontaneously!!
I love hearing the resolutions! I am going to do a once-a-week post on how I am doing on my resolutions.
For your photo resolution, I thought I would share what's working for us. I have a list of monthly chores (back up blog, assess 401K performance, review monthly expenses) and I added "print photos" to that list.
At the end of the month, I download all the pics from both digital cameras, weed out the ones I don't want, and print the rest. Since I take them to the store on a CD, I then have a CD copy as a backup that we keep in a binder in our fireproof safe. It takes about an hour and the photo people know me and Jon by now. ha ha!
Then when I get the photos, I write on the back of them and put them in photo boxes while watching my crap tv.
2008 should be an awesome year!!
You're so sweet, E. I just adore you, your honesty, and your sense of humor.
Losing baby weight blows. It's so hard. Can you really put your blog into a book, I'd love to do that. I feel like it's my journal and I tend to write the funny things CJ does because I have a pic than to write it down in a book. Plus I love the computer. Anyway, happy 2008! I love Wyatts shirt!
great resolutions...
I hear ya on the blurb thing...that is complicated gettting it all formatted right...
I am still wanting to do it though...
I can't find that emial you sent me about pic ideas...
can you email me again...I know you said over by strawberry farms or the beach?? Email me and then we can talk scheduling better...
Talk soon,
I'm proud of all your goals! I'll be cheering you on from afar. You've inspired me...cause so far I have set no resolutions.
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