Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mommy Giggles

I think to be a good mom you need a sense of humor. I mean, there are times when, if you couldn't laugh about'd have to take up drinking or check yourself into the Cuckoo's nest! My kids make me laugh everyday. And I would have to say, it's one of the things I love most about Motherhood. But the times I laugh the hardest are when I come across things that my kids didn't do to be funny. They were just playing, going about their day, not trying to get attention.

Megan and Molly's "watch days" at gymnastics were both last week. This is when the parents get to stay and see what the class has been working on during the current session. Both girls have been working very hard on their back bends. Megan can almost kick over. And Molly is proud to be able to make and hold the bridge position all on her own. Here is Megan in perfect form.

And after I put the girls to bed tonight, here is what I came across in their dollhouse.
I know it was Molly who did this. Crack Me Up!


LauraC said...

That cracked me up too!!!

Aubs said...

Hahahaha! That is hilarious and you are so right that a sense of humor is critical in parenting!! John and I frequently wonder what we would ever do w/o the boys to crack us up and keep us entertained!!

Libby said...

That is great!

Unknown said...

That's so cute!! I love it!

Love said...

okay...that is seriously funny!!!

Joanna said...

ERIN!!!! I AM TOTALLY LAUGHING RIGHT NOW! I did not expect that!


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