Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Carter's Crusaders

(Our Champion Crusader)

CHOC Walk 2009
Sunday, October 18th

Please post a comment below with your name and email address. I will then contact you with Online Registration info when it becomes available and all other Carter's Crusader Team updates. Thanks for your interest, love and support!


Erin Burns said...

Erin Burns & Fam

Anonymous said...

Tiffany Moran & Family

Let me know where I can help! :)

Teresa said...

we're in!

Anonymous said...

Price family!

Anonymous said...

Christie Santolucito (Tiff's sister)

Unknown said...


I can't be there in person...long trip to Calli from Indiana....I will be there in Spirit. HMMMM perhaps I could get a walk going here in South Western Indiana!

Unknown said...

we are in!


Anonymous said...

McKibbin Family is in!!

Kelly and Jake said...

Erin, we would love to do this.
Beth Rusmisel and Family


Steve and Keri Olson said...

We are IN! What an amazing idea Erin...I'll bring my tissue box too :O)

Anonymous said...

Count the Krotts Family in!

Jenny Burks said...

We would love to help in any way possible.
And, Gannon can be the photog!

The Burks


cclem said...

We do this event for our son every year and would love to walk for Carter this year. Please add us to the list!!!
Connie Clem and family

Autism Moms Club said...

I would love to be on the team and help with whatever you need beforehand. Please let me know!

Emily Norton

Anonymous said...

Crary Family will be there!! We may add the grandparents and/or extended family as well.

The de Vengoecheas said...

de Vengoecheas will be there. Thanks for organizing

Brooke said...

walker family will be there!

Lauren said...

Count us in!

Anonymous said...

Don & Susan Gregg will be there. May the Carter family find favor and protection from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Sarah and John Cross

We would love to help out in any way we can. We will be there.

Anonymous said...

The Norton Family is in!

Courtney Norton

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