Can you guess what the kids are going to be for Halloween?!
3. Wyatt
You have until midnight on Halloween to post your answers as a comment. When you do - I'll put your name in a hat to win a gift certificate to CC Roo! (Can't make it to sunny CA to shop - don't fret, will be opening early November...So exciting!) The sticky fingers of my 3 year old will pick the winner. Game on!
Megan - Dorothy
Molly - Ladybug
Wyatt - Frog
The problem is that I want to guess something coordinated! But I can't seem a theme to the fabrics.
Megan: Dorothy
Molly: Ladybug
Wyatt: Dinosaur
I love you Erin. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, too. It really means a lot to me.
Love from Iowa!
megan - dorothy
molly - minnie mouse
wyatt - incredible hulk
M= Dorothy
M2= Clown
Wyatt= Pea in pod
megan: dorothy
molly: minnie mouse
wyatt: dragon
if i'm right about megan, she and chloe will match. =)
Ok...i have to tell you that this one has been on my mind ALL day!! I'm still stumped on Wyatt's but here it goes..
Molly-Minnie Mouse
This was fun!
Happy Halloween Burns Family!
Megan: Dorothy
Molly: Minnie Mouse
Wyatt: Dinosaur
1. Dorothy
2. Minnie Mouse
3. Shrek
Minnie Mouse
Dragon or Aligator
Can't wait to see....
What a clever idea.....I think:
1) Dorothy
2) Minnie Mouse
3) Dinosaur/dragon
Whatever they are....they're gonna be cute!!!
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