Well now - not having blogged about anything significant in 3 weeks - I feel like there is so much to tell! So here is the Burns Family Potpourri category of answers and questions:
A: "The only little girl to have FIVE
Q: "Who is Megan Burns?"
Grammie Susan, Papa Don, Great Gramma Nancy, Grandma Janis and Papa Tim all came to share in the fun. Megan got to show them around her classroom and they made crafts, took pictures, and ate donuts
A: "She is learning to use the potty - all of the time - and is doing quite well!"
Q: "Who is Molly Burns?"
I was dreading getting serious about potty training Molly. She's been wanting to learn for a few months - and I have had her in pull-ups. But it was pretty much hit or miss. Sometimes she'd tell me and we'd go with success. Sometimes she'd yell "peepee" and we'd rush to the potty to discover she had just gone. And other times she'd say nothing, so I'd go check her, and you could tell she'd gone 3 times already! It was so easy with Megan, she did it in 3 days and never had an accident after. But Molly is so much more independent. She runs around and entertains herself all day. I was a little worried that I would put panties on her and she'd forget to tell me when she'd need to go. Surprisingly though - we've had only panties on for 2 days and she's told me every time. So keep your fingers crossed for us! I'm hoping for a few "diaper free" months before the baby arrives.
A: "He learned to swim in one day, loves the water and is the best retriever ever. His voice has changed from high pitched puppy whelp to deep, gruff, adolescent protector bark. He is also IN LOVE with Matthew."
Q: "Who is Duke - our black lab puppy?"
The last two weekends, we have taken Duke to the River
Jetties to play. The first weekend, we weren't sure what he was going to be like around the water. It was pretty high tide and Matt just took a big stick and threw it into the water. Without hesitation, Duke bounded into the water after it and brought it right back. You couldn't keep him out of the water after that. And as Matthew has been the main person who walks, trains
(and let's Duke sleep on his chair with him in the evening) - Duke has taken quite a shining to his Master. If Matt is home, but doesn't go right out and see Duke, Duke will bark and whine until Matt comes out to say hello. BTW - he went to the Vet last week and at 5 months old is already 42 pounds!! Isn't he cute?!
A: "She found a place that does early gender diagnostic untrasounds (at 13 weeks, which I am right now) - and is dying to go! She is also feeling a little better - not nauseous as often and even gets thru somedays without her afternoon nap!"
Q: "Who is Erin Burns?"
A: "He doesn't want to go to an early ultrasound as he's afraid to get the wrong information."
Q: "Who is Matthew Burns?"
I guess you'll have to stay tuned to see who wins this battle. I went to a different place at 14 weeks pregnant with Megan....and we were told she was a boy! So I understand Matt's hesitation. But this place is a little more reputable and has correctly identified 5 of my girlfriends' pregnancies in the past. My birthday is Saturday and I'm thinking of asking for it for a birthday present...he can't say no then, right?!
A: The next time pictures will appear on this blog to accompany all of Erin's ramblings."
Q: "What is as soon as she takes the time to download all of our digital pics and videos from the last few weeks onto our laptop?...hopefully later today!"
Q: "Who is Duke - our black lab puppy?"
The last two weekends, we have taken Duke to the River
A: "She found a place that does early gender diagnostic untrasounds (at 13 weeks, which I am right now) - and is dying to go! She is also feeling a little better - not nauseous as often and even gets thru somedays without her afternoon nap!"
Q: "Who is Erin Burns?"
A: "He doesn't want to go to an early ultrasound as he's afraid to get the wrong information."
Q: "Who is Matthew Burns?"
I guess you'll have to stay tuned to see who wins this battle. I went to a different place at 14 weeks pregnant with Megan....and we were told she was a boy! So I understand Matt's hesitation. But this place is a little more reputable and has correctly identified 5 of my girlfriends' pregnancies in the past. My birthday is Saturday and I'm thinking of asking for it for a birthday present...he can't say no then, right?!
A: The next time pictures will appear on this blog to accompany all of Erin's ramblings."
Q: "What is as soon as she takes the time to download all of our digital pics and videos from the last few weeks onto our laptop?...hopefully later today!"
Update: Yeah - I got to the pictures! Today must be a big energy day :)
That's great about the potty training! Let us know how the rest of the week goes.
Oh, the pics are adorable! You have a truly beautiful family, Duke included!
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