So in my late nights of getting lost in "
Blogland," I have discovered that there is this fad
amongst the blogs I frequent. Women all over do not call their husbands by their given names when they are blogging. They have
code names for the men in their lives! Amelia calls
hers Adonis and Kim's husband is
HeartMan. From reading various comments I've discovered Love and Erin are in negotiations with their husbands as to what to call them on their blogs! (Any luck girls??) I was starting to feel like I was a true blogger, technically savvy and "with it" but suddenly my sense of belonging has been ripped out from under me. When I blog, I call my husband "Matt" - his name! - GASP, my blog is so dated! SO - the quest begins to come up with a code name for the love of my life.
Here are my thoughts so far:
Braveheart - Hubby's most favorite movie and his middle name really is Wallace (as in
William Wallace). He's both brave and full of heart. Mel Gibson's a
hottie. Both he and Matt have gorgeous blue eyes....
Maverick - Top Gun being hubby's 2
nd favorite movie and he loves to do anything fast or competitive...race cars, ride motorcycles...push the envelope. You can't go wrong being nicknamed after Tom Cruise, right? I'd be okay with being his Kelly
McGilles...what boy our age didn't have a crush in her in the 8
th grade?!
Turtle - Okay...not as manly as the first two, I know. But I would venture to say that one of hubby's first loves is surfing. In the movie
North Shore, there is a character, Turtle, who is always spouting off bits of advice and knowledge that no one listens to. His
tagline in the movie is "Nobody listens to Turtle!" Matt loves to quote this when, after I've denounced something he suggested...I come back a week later and sheepishly admit, that maybe - after lots of thought and

consideration - he might have known what he was talking about. I hate to say it, but this happens more than I'd like to admit. :) I also think that if Matt were to win the lottery - he'd live out the rest of his life similar to Turtle...perpetually in Rainbows and board shorts, eating fish tacos, surfing and shaping boards.
And it's not a coincidence that all my ideas come from movies. Hubby LOVES movies. We
subscribe to
Netflix and he's proud of the fact that's rated over 3000 different movies on their site (yes, that means he's watched 3000 movies... several more than once!)
Matt's been known to frequent this blog himself - even post a comment a time or two!! So as I brainstorm over the next few days, we'll see if he has any suggestions. What do you think I should call him?!
Sounds like you are going to call him "hubby" for the meantime...
I can call him "BIL" but I guess that doesn't work for you. My vote is for Turtle because Matt does use the "nobody" comment all the time!
Sorry I woke you up during naptime the other day... I'm just glad I didn't wake the girls! Love you lots and I can't wait to see you and the little ones this weekend.
If you EVEN refer to him as "Maverick," Erin, I will disown you. I think we're crossing some sort of line here. Call him that in the bedroom, but, dude, in a blog? That just sounds weird.
My vote goes to "MATT."
Look at all the extras on your blog in the sidebar! Hmmm, those are new! I'd definitely say your blog is one of the best of them.
I personally like Maverick!
I am still thinking for my hubbie...I was considering "Spurs" because his fave b-ball team is the San Antonio Spurs but he nixed that one- he didn't like it! Or "Husker" as he's a huge Nebraska fan, or "Titleist" as that's his type of golf clubs. Still thinking! I think Husker is my fave.
hi erin! i really have to update my "blogs i love" links because i always have to go searching for yours, then i've missed so much!
i am cracking up! my matt and i are in final negotiations and maverick is actually in the running! so funny that you have it too. i'll have to check your blog before i offically post it! :)
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