Tuesday, July 24, 2007

As If We Don't Get Enough Grief Already!

Okay - I am the first to admit I love reality TV. Matt and I have TiVo'd Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, and American Idol for years. But I even get sucked into the really bad, cheesy stuff like The Girls Next Door, Victoria Beckham, The Real OC, The Hills, Maui Fever and Real World! (Curse TiVo and MTV!)

So - this weekend a girlfriend I went to high school with, and works in the TV industry, let us in on a shocking little secret. (I guess it's not really that shocking considering this town!) But apparently The Real OC: Laguna Beach is moving up the coast to Newport Harbor - the high school Matt and I went to - in the Fall.

Click on this link to see the trailer at MTV.com and here to read the article that was in the Daily Pilot this morning (our local paper.)

Personally - I remember the cliques, the beach and the boy drama....but I definitely don't remember high school being that glamorous. I really don't think we would have been that fun to watch. And while it's a little sickening to think this is the high school my little darlings will most likely attend...and embarrassing to think THIS is what the rest of the nation thinks Newport is like....you can bet my TiVo is already "season passed" to start recording on August 15th. I know, pathetic.

Joanna, Britian, Jennifer, Libby, Andy, Katherine....can't wait to hear what you think! :)


Britty said...

oh no! my sister Corbynn is going there this year! yikes! i will definitely tune in. (already addicted to laguna beach, something about missing the beach) thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, that's crazy!! I can't wait to watch! Erin, I, too, am a tivo junkie...and reality junkie for that matter!! Shows like that sure don't come here to Kansas City that often....or EVER!! XOXO

Unknown said...

Erin, it's not really a "secret" if you provide a link to MTV and it is on the FRONT PAGE of the Daily Pilot today.

I love you big sis! I wouldn't trade you for anything! Unless Posh and Becks want to hang out this weekend... j/k Ha ha!

Sadly, I am also a TiVo junkie. Let's tell Matty Russel to crash their party and show them the real NHHS perspective.

Can't wait to hear what Kate says.

Libby said...

Ummmm... yeah, I don't think so. I have to admit that I watch my share of reality TV but I never could get into Laguna Beach or the Hills because they were more scripted soap opera drama than reality. Girls Next Door is so much more entertaining.

Erin Burns said...

Leave it to my brother to rip on me on my own blog....
That's what siblings are for, right? Love you too, bro.

Unknown said...

Don't think of it as "ripping" on you... but more like "consturctive critisism."

Joanna said...

Newport kids must be WAY more interesting these days, because they definitely wouldn't have wanted to make a tv show about our lives. Libby tutoring me in chemistry at her kitchen table, Erin getting grounded all of senior year for coming home an hour past curfew. Yeah, not so interesting...

Don't think I'll be tuning in because there is something about high school kids I just can't get into. (Maybe it's a little bit of "been that lame, never want to be that lame again?") I was thinking that some of my students would be on the show, until I remembered I taught the GATE pull-out program 9 years ago. Most likely the camera won't be following the kids with 130 IQ's and above.

Anonymous said...

Since Mackenna is in Holland, I thought I would share our recent phone conversation:

Mackenna: Did you hear about the new Newport Harbor reality show?
Scott: No. Please tell me you’re kidding.
Mackenna: Yep, that's right. Our school has just sunk to a new low. So what high school are you going to tell people you went to? I'm going with Costa Mesa because I doubt they're doing a reality show any time soon.
Scott: I'm going with home schooled. Plus that might explain why I'm nuts.

PLEASE tell me it's not true. What does Hollywood have against me? First the OC, then the Hills and now this. I can't travel anywhere anymore without having to answer questions about Debutante Balls, Lesbians and whatever else these shows seem to showcase as live in Orange County for people under 20.

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