Wyatt went to his first football game last Friday. 3 weeks old. Several moms of Matt's players had a shower for me the week before Wyatt was born. One of them had a sweatsuit made for Wyatt with the Newport Football logo on it. So stinkin' cute. He also received a hat, onesies, burp cloths, and a blanket all embroidered with his name and Newport Football. I told Matt with all the football this kid is being introduced to at such a young age - he will probably grow up to be a concert pianist! Wyatt was a trooper - slept in the bjorn the until the fourth quarter. Woke long enough to drink a bottle and take some pictures and then passed back out. Oh yeah, and Newport won - so it was a good night all around.

he is so stinkin cute! i love that sweatsuit! =)
I am impressed, Erin.
Daddy looks so proud!
I keep meaning to comment that you are SUCH a third-timer mom, taking a 3 week old out to a football game. We didn't take the boys out ANYWHERE until their one month birthday!
How fun, and seeing the little baby gives me some baby fever!
Oh, and we would totalky have taken #3 out to a football game too!!! Funny how you relax a bit more with each baby!
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