We had a wonderful Christmas. Mellower than usual - with Matt's parents being in Hawaii and Katherine and Paul staying Chicago this year. But still full of tradition and festivity. Christmas Eve we went to my parents house for dinner and family time. Since we were all dressed nice - I took the opportunity to take some quick pics of all 5 of us. I love Wyatt in this one. He looks so much older and more alert, than just 3 months old, I think!
All 3 kids had head colds - and I could feel one coming on myself - so we decided not to push it and make it to church. Instead we enjoyed time with Grammie and Papa, GG, and Uncle Andy. Here's Molly and Papa reading her favorite book. It's one with only pictures. My Dad and she take turns making up the story the pictures tell. It's is so sweet. I love to watch them.
The girls got to open one present - which was the new Candyland game - and we all took turns playing. We went home early for I knew that Matt and I had a lot of work ahead of ourselves playing "Santa!" The girls made sure we set out milk and rice krispy treats for Santa and carrots for the the reindeer before heading off to bed. Matt had fun eating the treats and leaving the "evidence" that The Man had been there. I love that he nibbled the carrots the way a reindeer would have!
The two of us were up until 3AM! I thought I had done so much wrapping and planning ahead of time, but I was wrong. I always wrap some gifts from Santa in special paper that has Santas all over it and write little notes to the kids from him - so that had to wait until last minute. I also like to have their "big" presents set up so the surprise is immediate and the toys are ready to play.
BTW - Who came up with the notion that toys need to be dead bolted into their cardboard boxes?! I swear, I was so sick of all the tape, wire twist ties, and string by the end of the night! But it was fun spending time with Matt - setting things up, laughing about past Christmases, and imagining what those ahead had in store for us. We watched Superbad (and laughed our a**es off! McLovin - are you kidding me?! Classic.) while we made knot blankets for the girls. Yes, my husband is the best. He stayed up until 3AM humoring his obsessive wife, cutting and tieing flannel!
Christmas morning
the girls were up about 6:30 and were giddy with excitement. My anal self envisioned the girls slowly opening each thing and playing with it before moving on to the next. But I think it took less than 5 minutes for the living room floor to be covered with stocking stuffers, toys, gift wrap and ribbon. They were bouncing from one thing to the next hollering to each other "Look at this!" and "Come over here!" It was quite fun to watch. Santa brought both girls watches and dollies (that they are showing off in the picture.) Molly's new thing is to not smile or
look at the camera for pictures. I've given up trying to convince her, or do a song and dance to trick her. It doesn't work! Molly also got some new people for her doll house. She plays with it everyday. I think they were her favorite present. We got down the bumbo chair and tried Wyatt in it for the first time. He did great and looked so cute!
The girls also received aprons and pizza making kits from their cousins that they were very excited about. It was so cute - our niece Emily wrote out her recipe for PB& J Pizza on a recipe card and included it with the present. Very sweet. We can't wait to try it!
We gave Papa a platter in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Perfect for his Mickey Cakes he makes for us every weekend! The girls were so excited for him to open it.
And Papa gave the girls mini HOT BLUE MINIS! My Dad drives a mini cooper and the girls love it. Megan always says "When I am 16, I want a Hot Blue Mini!" (Hot Blue is what she calls turquoise) My Dad found mini replica mini coopers in hot blue. It was the perfect gift and the girls loved revving them all around the house.
As you can see, our Christmas was fun and all about family. A very Merry one indeed!
Glad to hear you had such a great Christmas! And the pics are ADORABLE!!
that's a great family pic of the 5 of you! =)
glad you had a wonderful christmas...blessings to you in the new year!!
are you kidding me that you skipped the best christmas picture of all, putting wyatt IN the stocking? quick before he's too big, take the picture and save it for next year...for the rest of his life, it'll be priceless. good to see you guys last week!
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