California has one of the latest cut off dates in the country for entering Kindergarten, and there is a current trend of "push down" academics going on the the public schools around us - so we are taking this decision very seriously. We just attended a seminar by Bonnie Bruce on Kindergarten Readiness. Megan will be eligible age wise and I have no doubt she will be ready interest wise. But since she has a late summer birthday and is physically on the small side, we are leaning towards sending her to a year of Jr. Kindergarten first. The school we send her to now has a great Pre-K program - equally as academic as it is developmental play.
But one thing is for sure - she is growing up. Recently, certain events have really cemented this fact in my mind. The first thing that made realize this transition was upon us happened in the middle of the night last month. I was awake nursing Wyatt and I heard some little feet making their way to the bathroom. I heard her go, flush and even wash her hands all by herself. I waited for the inevitable whisper at our door asking if she could crawl into bed with us. But it never came. Instead, I heard those little feet march back down the hall and put themselves back to bed - on the top bunk no less! I distinctly remember thinking to myself - sitting there in the dark in the middle of the night - WOW! She is getting so big and independent!

Third - when we read books lately, Megan has been picking long chapter books. Ones with very few pictures. She really gets into the stories. Asking questions about what the characters look like, act like, and feel like. I can see the wheels spinning as she recreates the story in her head. Molly still picks arms full of board books and Megan is like "Mom, you can read those short, little kid ones to Molly first. I can wait!"

It made me smile. Our toddler is long gone. We now have a full blown KID on our hands. While I know we aren't exactly packing her up for college just yet - I can't help but feel like the words of this song are ringing true long before I thought they would!
It is truly amazing how quickly time flies. This past 7 months with Cami have been the quickest of my life!! If I could just add my two cents: I was ALWAYS the YOUNGEST in my grade--and it is difficult. Especially for a girl--it's not academic--it's social and emotional differences to think about. Plus-- you get her for one more year!! Don't rush it, Erin. It may catch up with her somewhere around middle school! I love you guys!!
Ready or not...ready to send her to Chicago to visit her Aunt?! Megan will tackle the world no matter what her age she enters kindergarten.
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