The furniture came in A LOT of heavy duty cardboard boxes. Our Papa built a HUGE playhouse out of them for the girls to play in.
Last week he got out all sorts of art supplies - chalk, paint, crayons - and let the girls go to town decorating it. It kept them happy and busy for hours. While there may be lots of Papas who would go to all this trouble for their grandkids to have a little fun - I don't know many who would be happy to have this cardboard contraption remain indefinitely in their driveway! But our Papa is. And therefore he ROCKS! Thank you Papa. We love you so much!
Oh my gosh, that's so funny. I drove by your parents' house today, saw the box contraption, and wondered what that could be. I was going to ask if they were moving!
I remember my dad gave us a huge refrigerator box to play in in the backyard one time. I thought it was so nice of him. It was tons of fun to play with, too. Your dad, however, built a darn mansion. Much better than mine was.
And I thought Alex had it good with two empty car seat boxes that have some holes punched in the side so he can screw his playschool bolts into them... wow!
That is way fun!!! What a cool papa!
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