The Light Green that is. Apparently after taking this fun little test, I've discovered I am ready to go this GREEN - but not ready to go this GREEN. How "Green" do you want to be? Take this humorous test to find out.
Also - I know I promised pictures. I even spent most of nap time yesterday trying to figure it all out. Only to discover I can't add any applications (Zoombrowser, Picasa) to Matt's work computer. SO - the need for a new computer of my own is ever growing. There's such a thing as a "Laptop Fairy" right?! Hopefully she'll visit us soon and we'll figure out a way to come up with the money to swing one! Until then - I think I am stuck downloading pics onto a disk at my Mom's and then coming back here to blog...ugh.
Also - I know I promised pictures. I even spent most of nap time yesterday trying to figure it all out. Only to discover I can't add any applications (Zoombrowser, Picasa) to Matt's work computer. SO - the need for a new computer of my own is ever growing. There's such a thing as a "Laptop Fairy" right?! Hopefully she'll visit us soon and we'll figure out a way to come up with the money to swing one! Until then - I think I am stuck downloading pics onto a disk at my Mom's and then coming back here to blog...ugh.
Fun quiz!! I've seen the light too!! I'm sending money fairy vibes your way....is it working yet?!? I know the need for a money fairy all too well! Still praying for your mom...hope all goes well this week! :::hugs:::
Thinking of your mom lots- please pass on our love!!
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