My friend Laura has done this a few times on her blog - and I always enjoy it so much. So I thought I would try it out. Especially since I have no pictures to post right now! Laura plays a game called
"Hot Seat" where anyone who reads her blog can ask her all sorts of crazy questions and she does her best to answer them. Mind you, she is a mother of twin 2 year old boys - so she gets a lot of fun questions. But I thought there might be some of you out there who could come up with some good ones for me.
Blogging is usually such a one way street - I write about what I want, and you read. But this way - you get a chance to have me write about what you want to know! I always enjoy learning more about Laura and her perspective when she plays this game. So I thought it might be fun to do the same. We'll see how it goes. Click on the comment link below this post and ask away! I'll do my best to post my answers quickly. Thanks for playing!
Oh my, I have a million questions!
1. What did you do for work before the kids were born?
2. If you were not a stay-at-home mom, what would your profession be?
3. If you could only take 3 books to a deserted island, what would they be and why?
4. When did you know Matt was The One?
5. Tell us a crazy high school story about Libby and Joanna.
6. What would your kids most be surprised to learn about you?
if you could live someone's life for one day--whose would it be? (cannot say yourself!) =)
O.K. here goes:
First of all, I have a statement (sorry). You are amazing!!! Really, I admire you so much and love you lots. Which has lead me to my question,
What is your biggest challenge as a mom and wife?
You make it look so easy sis-in-law. At more than 10 years your senior (gosh I am old!), you seem to have figured things out that took me way longer to discover.
And questions #2, When are you guys going to come and visit?
What is something you will do differently with Wyatt, this being the third time around?
What is the square root of 2,154,654,545?
...divided by 17.5, minus 7???
Have fun frolicking on Facebook.
BTW, all you social networkers & bloggers, have you ever heard of DATA MINING or FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY?
SoMeThInG tO tHiNk AbOuT in our brave new world of search engines, surveillance, & transparent living...
What is your very favorite family tradition? (I know you have lots)
Andy - not all of us are paranoid and live the Conspiracy Theory life you lead!! Plus - I don't plan on breaking any major laws that may be caught on video...so facial recognition doesn't really bother me! It takes a very quick search to find images of YOU on the internet!!
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