Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leaf Turning Tuesdays

I really have been good this past week with the resolutions I've already made for myself. I wore a skirt the past 3 days in a row! I've made a concentrated effort to spend alone time with each of my kids everyday. And I've also played more and cleaned less - as the Leaning Tower of Laundry on my couch can attest! No Tofu recipes yet...and I still have Christmas Thank You notes to conquer, but hopefully this week. It's also my goal to take my husband line dancing sometime this month. Making out is sure to ensue, right?! So I feel really good about my resolutions thus far. But I don't want to get too excited. It's only the 12th! Stay Focused.

I have also spent this past week narrowing that Focus. Fine tuning what I want to unwaveringly commit and adhere to. What has been ever present on my mind is my health. I don't think I live an unhealthy lifestyle - but I would like to lose some weight. And there are a few "bad habits" that could stand to be broken. So this past week I've taken some steps to start down that path.

1) My last Diet Coke was on Saturday night. I have a serious addiction. Like 4 cans a day. And it wouldn't bother me so much, except that I hardly ever drink anything else. A glass of milk with dinner sometimes, but that's it. I pop a can of DC at 7AM and so begins my day. I started noticing that the skin on my face was so dry it was flaking, my cuticles were brittle and gross, and my hands so dry they would hurt after I dried them off. Can you spell DEHYDRATION? I stopped to think of the last time I had had a glass of water, and I couldn't remember! So unhealthy.

Now I am swimming in water like a fish. I've been drinking over 100 ounces a day trying to counter act my deprivation. And I eliminated the Diet Coke. Not forever, but at least for now. I know I will go back, but not to 4 cans a day. The plan is just every once in a while. A treat!

2) I've committed to change my diet. Knowing I am the only one standing up for my sister in her wedding has given me the kick in the butt I've needed to finally get serious about my weight loss. The plan is to eat less and eat better. Lucky for me, Becci, my room mate from college, is a registered dietitian and UCLA's Director of Sports Nutrition. She tells all their athletes what to eat to be their best! So as we were IM'ing on Facebook the other night, I asked her to create a menu for me that would help me get started. I am excited to start seeing results.

3) I've committed to working out 4 days a week. As someone who has lost a sizable amount of weight in the past, (I lost over 60lbs before I got pregnant with Megan) I know that just changing my diet wont do the trick. Not for the amount I would like to lose before July. I know the other bad habit that needs to be broken is my procrastination. I will do almost anything before I work out! Blog, read, cook, even clean! Getting active has to become a priority.

It's SO hard for me to find the time to fit this into my day. I am not a morning person. Waking early enough to work out before Matt leaves for work feels like torture to me. Once the kids are in bed for the night, I am exhausted from my day, and running is seriously at the bottom of my list of things to do after dark! But I know I have to find the time. If I don't get up and do it before Matt leaves in the morning, then I will have to go right when he gets home in the afternoons. I'll keep you posted as to how this goes!

That's it for today, this second "Leaf Turning Tuesday." I resolve to make a conscious effort at changing the little things in my life that will make a BIG difference in my health!


Anonymous said...

Looking for good tofu recipes? Try this awesome Web site: http://www.101cookbooks.com Some of the stuff is a little too "crunchy granola" for me but pretty much 90% of it looks incredible!

Aubs said...

I'm so right there with you on the weight loss and overall healthier lifestyle! Its tough to break those habits but know i'm cheering for you!! I've been trying to get back in the habit of working out now that we're getting settled in but it is tough to get motivated! The wii fit has proved to be a valuable tool for me....its fun and gets me active!

LauraC said...

That sounds like a lot to accomplish but if anyone can do it, I'm sure you can. I find if I don't work out first thing in the morning, it does not get done at all. Some mornings suck, like running in 40 degree weather this morning, but I figure I'm already up bc of the kiddos, may as well do something.

Also I just tried out 30 Day Shred and love it. I can NEVER motivate myself to do weight lifting on a regular basis but I love that it's 20 minutes and someone tells me exactly what to do. She doesn't waste a second of that 20 minutes! Which is exactly what I need as a mom!

Love said...

i wish you the best, erin! you can do it! =)

Elyse said...

Good for you! I know I totally need to be doing better with food and exercise too...i just cant decide what kind of "diet" i want to do. Please post your sample menu when you get it, I would love to see it! And yes water is soooo essential! I bet you will even see some weight loss once you have been drinking lots of water for a while. Good fitness DVDs that Ive used are Jillian michaels 30 day shred..it is only 20 min long and SO HARD! i mean the exercises are simple to do but it is a great workout to really kick your butt. highly recommend it. The other one is the FIRM. also a great workout. this one comes with 3 dvds and 2 steps...these dvds are longer tho so if you want a shorter deal dont do these...anyways! so excited to see your progress and hear about all the steps alogn the way!

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