How do you make Kid Soup??

Take one UBER-cute, chubby Baby Love and put in kitchen sink. Add warm water, bubble bath, giggles and a ladle. Let simmer as long as splashing and giggles continue. You'll know soup is done when toes of Baby Love look like raisins. This soup is good anytime of day - but especially yummy right before bedtime. Helps to induce sleep. It's recommended Mommies enjoy 2nd and 3rd helpings of this dish - as the recipe expires quickly. Only lasts as long as Baby Love will fit in sink (and until he realizes he can crawl out!)
LOVE it! Kiss those cheeks again for me! are such a creative, gifted writer! This is such a cute post...and that is most definatly one UBER cute baby boy!!!!
Pass me a bowl! And a copy of that picture.
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