How do you try and give thanks every day?
Since becoming a mom, I've tried to become very intentional about showing my gratitude. I initially had such fear: how do I raise grateful, compassionate, loving children?! I quickly realized that we just had to live it. So, we try to infuse it into simple, everyday things...like driving in the car, I'll just say out loud "I am so thankful that we live where we can see the leaves turn yellow, orange, and red. It's so pretty." When we're all in the playroom and the bickering has become exhausting, I pray out loud, "Thank you that we have so much that sometimes it is hard to choose. Please help us be kind to each other." (The girls often close their eyes right away and pray, too.) When we pray at meals or bedtimes, the girls take turns. I love hearing their hearts and it often changes mine. One time, the list of things that Anika was thankful for was getting mighty long. as she was being grateful for her silverware, I was convicted. I take way too much for granted.
What do you take for granted that you might express more thanks for?
As evidenced in my last answer, I think that living in America gives me a lot to take for granted. I try very hard to be mindful of this. Something specific that I'm working on right now, is expressing more thanks to my husband for the ability to share these years at home with our children. Feeling it is one thing, but I need to tell him.
What attribute do you possess that you are thankful for?
Who has treated you with kindness and generosity, and how would you like to thank that person?
There could be so many answers, but one is really on my mind because we are thanking him tomorrow.
About a year ago, I stopped at a car wash with my (then) 1,2 and 3 year old little girls. Our vehicle felt funny and the car wash was the first place to pull in. Our tire was flat. A guy from the car wash, Tony, came over and immediately offered to change the tire. I took the girls into the adjacent grocery store to get a water and some string cheese. We walked the air conditioned aisles for 20 minutes and headed back.
Tony was done and refused the money I attempted to give him. His eyes teared up as he told me that he had a brand new baby girl at home and knew I could use that money for my 3 little girls. I told him how thankful I was...for changing the tire and making what could have been a stressful time for me & my girls wasn't at all.
I think of Tony often...and always pray for him as we pass that car wash. today I reminded the girls of that day when we passed the car wash on our way to the dentist. I suggested we take Tony and his guys donuts and they agreed. So, we'll get to say thanks again tomorrow.
What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
We have a "thankful tree" that we use throughout the month of November. Once a week, everyone says something they are thankful for as they pick a leaf sticker to place on the tree. It is so fun to hear each week....and to look back at last year's answers.
At the top of Love's blog is a quote: "Life is not measured in the number of breaths we take, but the number of moments that take your breath away." Not to be cliche - but i LOVE that! Apropos I suppose. CLICK HERE to read her blog and see more of Love's scrumptious children.
Thank You Love, for participating in my little blogging adventure. I appreciate all that you put into your answers!
Today I am Thankful for Lovelyn. The compassion, grace, friendship and faith she has demonstrated to me - even from afar - to someone she has never actually met - is breathtaking. She recognizes my children's birthdays and lifts my mother in prayer. She's taught me, by example, to be a fun mother. An involved mother. A mother that lives in - and cherishes - the moments. What she has brought to my life is a perfect example of Why I Blog. Thank you God for Lovelyn!
Be sure and check Haute Plates today for my favorite "frou frou" stuffing recipe! The kids and I also made Pumpkin Pie Playdough today. It was super easy and FUN! You can find the recipe HERE.
I've had the privelage of knowing, looking up to and learning from Lovelyn the majority of my life. I too am incredibly thankful for her. For her selfless example as a mother and wife. For her strong faith. Her grace and humility. She is truly a blessing and i cherish her not only as family but as a friend!
And i'm thankful for you as well Erin! The support, love and friendship that you share w/ me is a wonderful gift. You are an inspiration to me and i cherish our friendship! Hugs!
thanks, erin. not only for your extremely kind words about me, but for taking the time to make us all seriously consider gratitude & to learn from each other.
Holey Moley! I just read part of Love's blog and, is it true? Does she put her kids to bed at 6:30 too? I've been feeling guilty about that. Now I need to know. could us it as proof to my mother-in-law that I am not taking advantage of my children. :-)
Wait. Do you eat the pumpkin pie play-doh, or does it just smell like pumpkin pie?
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