** Late Night UPDATE: False Alarm for Carter. You can read the details HERE. Good news is, someone got the transplant they were praying for last night. Carter will be soon. Kara and Matt, your attitude during this roller coaster is inspiring!**
I just heard the best news ever and I have to share! Carter's family got the call that a liver is available for transplant and they are on their way to UCLA tonight! Do you have goosebumps? I do! Please hit your knees and lift this little boy to the Lord tonight. He has been a little under the weather today, and the doctors want him as strong as possible for surgery. Also raise up his parents, his doctors, and especially the family of his donor. While we are rejoicing in this event, they are most likely mourning. It is my fervent prayer that we wake to more awesome news on Carter's behalf.
God Bless you Little Man!

that is so awesome! God does answer prayers! I will pray for him and his family & for the family who is in mourning right now! <3
Wow! That is wonderful news!!!!
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