A girlfriend who knows me VERY WELL sent me this yesterday.

It's been a crazy few weeks. I can't seem to find my rhythm ever since school started back up. I feel like it's always just out of reach. Like I'm ALMOST there most days, but go to bed at night hoping to catch it when I wake up. So far...no such luck.
I've been running late, forgetting school paperwork, and serving take-out (God forbid) for dinner more often than not. When the school office called me (for the second time) asking for Megan's emergency contact form, I hung up convinced they think her Mommy's at home either drinking or smoking something.
FOR REALS people, I swear! All I'm doing is sewing, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, reading books, cleaning, changing diapers, packaging Tshirts, sewing, yelling at the dog, cleaning, changing diapers....
No Vodka or Crack in sight. I promise.
Ahhhwelll......LOTS is getting done. Matt and I co-hosted a dinner party for some friends last weekend who just adopted a son from Russia. It was a Lakers theme (the Daddy is a HUGE fan) and turned out SO cute! So pics to come of that soon.
AND, I've been a packing, labeling, mailing, shipping, sorting FREAK with all the Carter Crusader Craziness that's been keeping me busy this week!
Please SMACK me if it sounds like I'm complaining! Carter is in isolation at CHOC at the tail end of his 6th round of chemo with a fever and a BROKEN LEG...and he's still smiling. AND HE'S TWO! So I think this 30-something Momma can hang in there.
At least we have a winner for the Halloween Sneak Peak Giveaway!
Random.org chose:
who said...
"I think Cinderella, Supergirl, and Diego. Love the clothes!!"
I think 2 out of 3 is pretty good! Molly is going to be SuperGirl and Wyatt is going to be Diego. (He's head over heels for his Baby Jaguar that Uncle Paul and Aunt Kate adopted for him at the Lincoln Park Zoo for his birthday. When he put two and two together that Diego has a Baby Jaguar also...it was a done deal. Diego is now the bees knees and Spiderman is so last week!)
From that picture, I would've guessed Cinderella too. But Megan is going to be Wendy Darling. We read and/or watch Peter Pan almost everyday! Suzie, send me your email address at erin@bringingupburns.com so I can get you your Haute Tots gift certificate!
Finally, I must give a HUGE virtual ((HUG)) and shout out to my girlfriend Allison. Out of the blue today, she texted me and offered to bring Molly home from school and then stay and help me organize and pack up all the Carter shirts and CHOC Walk info. Mind you - she has 3 kids of her own whom she gladly brought along to entertain mine. Not only could I not have gotten it all done without her help, but she didn't bat an eye at the couch full of laundry, the sink full of dishes, or yard full of dog crap. She fed her kids (and mine too!), let me run - kid free - to pick up Megan, and made a trip to the post office for me on her way home.
Mrs. McKibbin, you were Heaven sent today and I LOVE YOU (and owe you big time!) Hope dinner with TT was yummy tonight. Your next GNO is with me! XOXO
Awh, I hope things slow down for you soon!! Thank goodness for friends like that!
Oh mama, you are so on overload. I am sending you my taking care of mom emotionally chapter. To read in your free time!
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