Thursday, May 06, 2010

Random Tidbits

The sermon last week in church was about WORDS. And trying to go 24 hours without saying anything bad about anyone. It's been way harder that I thought!

My TiVo currently has 47 episodes of Young and the Restless in its que. I need Matt to take a trip to Costa Rica so I can catch up at night! Sadly, I could probably delete and still know what's going on.

For lunch, Molly powered down a hot dog doused in mustard and heavy with sauerkraut. She's so my people.

This weekend is my Glass Slipper Gala. Do you say it GAL-la? or GAY-la? I haven't a clue. But I hope to squeeze into my dress that's Haute Blue. Right after I sew some straps for it. Cause I'm not 17... and my boobs have nursed 3 babes. Me and strapless are not friends.

Whenever we walk thru a parking structure, the halls of Matt's school, or a big building...Wyatt hollers at the top of his lungs "GECKO!" and waits for it to bounce back to him. It's hilarious.

I better hurry up and watch those Y&R's cause on May 13th...if there is no room for Oprah, I'll freak.

The girls were playing house last night. Megan was dressing up as the Dad. I heard Molly holler from the bathroom as she grabbed a wad of TP, "I got your penis, Megan!" Awesome.

I absolutely love that on a whim, I can decide to take Matt lunch...pack up the kids, and be sitting with him face to face in under 10 minutes.

Cause his smile is better than any can of caffeine to get me through the rest of my day.

Can't Be Tamed rocked my socks. Loved every single thing about it.

All I want for Mother's Day is a Poolside Family BBQ. I'll even do the cooking. As long as Crack Burgers are on the menu. And Sapphire Martinis. And Blueberry Pizza.

(This post inspired by Cookie Mondays...who I get to squeeze this weekend. HOLLA!)


mel @ the larson lingo said...

Love your random tidbits!
And, I am SO super excited to see you on Saturday!!!!!

Unknown said...

Loved the random tidbits of your week! Fasting negative speech is one tough cookie to swallow. Our church tried to do it for 40 days. I never realized how much negative bull came out of my mouth until I made the sacrifice...yes pun intended. Sometimes God calls us to put our bull on His altar of sacrifice and that is what we do when we fast...we release all the stuff that isn't pleasing to Him so He can fill us with His nature and character. Many hugs!

p.s. This country mouse pronounces it as GAY-La!

Amy C said...

I so feel you on the strapless issue....

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

loooooove these kinds of posts! You know I'll be thinking of you when I watch Oprah on 5/13!!

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