Favorite Things!
Last January I started a tradition where at the start of each year, I ask the kids for answers as to what their favorite things are and then write them down. I think it's so fun to see what changes and what stays the same as they grow. These are the exact words that came out of their mouths after I asked each question.
Color: Gold
Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Drink: Water
Dessert or Treat: Vanilla ice cream cone
Toy: My American Girl Doll
TV Show: Can I say High School Musical? It's a movie, but it's my favorite!
Game to play: Wii
Car: Black car like Grammie has (Volvo SUV)
Friend: Emma (Fults)
Song: Good News
Thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle with him
Thing to do with Mommy: Crafts
About Molly: when she plays Mom and Baby with me
About Wyatt: When he wakes up from his nap and says my name
About School: Art
Molly, almost 4
Color: Hot Blue (what we call turquoise in our house!)
Food: California Rolls
Drink: Apple Juice
Dessert or Treat: Gum
Toy: Allison (her doll)
Game to play: Wii
Car: Black car like Grammie has (Volvo SUV)
Friend: Emma (Fults)
Song: Good News
Thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle with him
Thing to do with Mommy: Crafts
About Molly: when she plays Mom and Baby with me
About Wyatt: When he wakes up from his nap and says my name
About School: Art
Color: Hot Blue (what we call turquoise in our house!)
Food: California Rolls
Drink: Apple Juice
Dessert or Treat: Gum
Toy: Allison (her doll)
TV Show: Max & Ruby and Football
Game to play: Wii Bowling
Car: Mommy's car
Friend: Vivi (Vallely)
Song: Santa Baby
Thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle with him
Thing to do with Mommy: Go to the grocery store
About Megan: When she swings on the swings with me
About Wyatt: When he chases with me (they take turns chasing each other thru the house, squealing and laughing)
About School: Miss Pachi and Miss Courtney (her teachers)
Wyatt, 15 months (I asked the girls what they thought he would answer, and also added my own 2 cents!)
Color: Blue
Food: Goldfish and Sausage
Drink: Apple Juice
Dessert or Treat: Cookies
Toy: any ball
Game to play: Wii Bowling
Car: Mommy's car
Friend: Vivi (Vallely)
Song: Santa Baby
Thing to do with Daddy: Snuggle with him
Thing to do with Mommy: Go to the grocery store
About Megan: When she swings on the swings with me
About Wyatt: When he chases with me (they take turns chasing each other thru the house, squealing and laughing)
About School: Miss Pachi and Miss Courtney (her teachers)
Wyatt, 15 months (I asked the girls what they thought he would answer, and also added my own 2 cents!)
Color: Blue
Food: Goldfish and Sausage
Drink: Apple Juice
Dessert or Treat: Cookies
Toy: any ball
TV Show: Backyardigans and Football
Game to play: Peek A Boo, Climb on anything
Car: his blue car
Friend: Megan & Molly
Song: Backyardigans theme song, Jesus Loves Me
Thing to do with Daddy: throw the ball
Thing to do with Mommy: rock to sleep
About Megan: dancing with her
About Molly: when she finds my kie-kie for me and I am SO happy!
Game to play: Peek A Boo, Climb on anything
Car: his blue car
Friend: Megan & Molly
Song: Backyardigans theme song, Jesus Loves Me
Thing to do with Daddy: throw the ball
Thing to do with Mommy: rock to sleep
About Megan: dancing with her
About Molly: when she finds my kie-kie for me and I am SO happy!
I also thought it would be fun to write down all of Wyatt's actual words he says on a regular basis. To date they include:
- Mama
- Dada
- MiMi (what he calls Molly)
- MayMay (what he calls Megan)
- GG
- Papa
- Gaga
- Duke-y (our dog)
- KieKie (his blankie)
- ball
- car
- dusze (juice)
- shoes
- ishys (goldfish crackers)
- cookie
- wow!
- owie
- baby
- uh-oh
- and BUTAH! - which means 3 different things depending on what he wants.
- Button - as in the one on his belly, the ones he always wants to push in elevators, and the ones on our walls that turn the lights on and off
- His Toothbrush
- "BooYah!" when he tries to mimic Matt's cheer when they are watching Football or playing Wii together!
He also has 2 complete sentences he says ALL THE TIME.
"Get the Ball!" and "No, No bark Duke-y!" So fun to hear!
"Get the Ball!" and "No, No bark Duke-y!" So fun to hear!
You can see the girls' answers from last year if you CLICK HERE!
1 comment:
they're so cute! and i remember wanting to do this last year when you did! i have a new year's book & will definitely have to start this year. thanks for sharing! =)
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